Volume 7, Issue 1 (8 1994)                   J Dent Med-tums 1994, 7(1): 31-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Khoshkhonejad A. Crown lengthening procedures. J Dent Med-tums 1994; 7 (1) :31-46
URL: http://jdm.tums.ac.ir/article-1-657-en.html
Abstract:   (16665 Views)

Nowadays, due to recent developments and researches in dental science, it is possible to preserve and restore previously extracted cases such as teeth with extensive caries, fractured or less appropriate cases for crown coverage as well as teeth with external perforation caused by restorative pins. In order to restore the teeth with preservation of periodontium, we should know thoroughly physiological aspects of periodontium and protection of Biologic Width which is formed by epithelial and supracrestal connective tissue connections. Considering biologic width is one of the principal rules of teeth restoration, otherwise we may destruct periodontal tissues. Several factors are involved in placing a restoration and one of the most important ones is where the restoration margin is terminated. Many studies have been conducted on the possible effects of restoration margin on the gingiva and due to the results of these studies it was concluded that restoration margin should be finished supragingivally. However, when we have to end the restoration under Gingival Crest, First a healthy gingival sulcus is required. Also, we should not invade the biological width. Since a normal biologic with is reported 2 mm and sound tooth tissue should be placed at least 2 mm coronal to the epithelial tissue, the distance between sound tooth tissue and crown margin should be at least 4mm. Thus, performing crown lengthening is essential to increase the clinical crown length. Basically, two objectives are considered: 1) restorative 2) esthetic (gummy smile) Surgical procedure includes gingivectomy and flap procedure. Orthodontic procedure involves orthodontic extrusion or force eruption technique which is controlled vertical movements of teeth into occlusion. Besides, this procedure can also used to extrude teeth defects from the gingival tissue. By crown lengthening, tooth extraction is not required and furthermore, adjacent teeth preparation for placing a fixed prosthesis would not be required. Additionally, by remaining the tooth root, the alveolar bone is preserved and both esthetic and hygiene are extensively improved so the results would be much more satisfying.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: general
Published: 2013/07/23

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