Volume 25, Issue 3 (1 2012)                   J Dent Med-tums 2012, 25(3): 151-158 | Back to browse issues page

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Hasani Tabatabaie M, Pahlavan A, Yasini E, Mirzaie M, Arami S, Kermanshah H, et al . Effects of leached components from a hybrid resin composite on the reproductive system of male mice. J Dent Med-tums 2012; 25 (3) :151-158
URL: http://jdm.tums.ac.ir/article-1-21-en.html
Abstract:   (6274 Views)

Background and Aims: There is concern that leached components from dental composites may cause adverse changes in the reproductive health. This study aimed to assess the effects of leached components from a hybrid resin composite on the reproductive system of male mice.
Materials and Methods: In the present animal study, twenty adult Syrian male mice were divided into two groups of 10 mice each. In the test group, components which leached from samples made from Filtek Z250 resin composite into 75% ethanol were daily administered to the mice for 28 days. In the control group, the procedure was repeated in the same way as the test group but without placing composite samples in the solution. Then, the body weight, weights of paired testes, Gonado Somatic Index, sperm viability, sperm motility, epididymal sperm reserve and daily sperm production were recorded. Four male mice in each group were mated with untreated female mice for 10 days. After that, the number of pregnant females and number of infants were recorded. The data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA, Chi-square test and t-test.
Results: There was a significant reduction in the sperm viability and sperm motility of male mice in the test group compared to the control group (P=0.001). There was no any significant differences in other parameters between two groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that the leached components from resin composites cannot cause infertility but they could potentially cause some adverse effects on the reproductive system of male mice.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: general
Received: 2011/10/22 | Accepted: 2012/07/5 | Published: 2013/09/16

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