چکیده: (7847 مشاهده)
Distraction osteogenesis (DO), firstly introduced to the medical world by Russian scientist Ilizarov for long bone lenghtening in orthopedics can be considered as an appropriate substitute in the treatment of maxillofacial deformities. Natural events occuring during the repair of a fractured bone segment not only lead to the desired bone length but also prevent from the undesired disadvantages of osteotomies and bone grafting. Recently a lot of investigations have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of DO in the treatment of maxillofacial deformities, which in some cases have lead to successful results. In the present article a lot of issues in maxillofacial surgery and different treatment goals associated with DO are discussed.
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موضوع مقاله:
عمومی انتشار: 1392/5/15